Отредактированные снимки самых обычных девушек: кардинальное изменение внешности

Естественно все хотят выглядеть идеально и для этого большая часть людей перед тем как выкладывать снимки в сеть редактируют его. И популярный блогер Эмилия Кларксон показал на себе как люди нас обманывают.


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Wanna see something REALLY scary? After I shared a video earlier this week highlighting how ridiculously easy it is to entirely distort your reality in literally 5 minutes using a toxic feckin app, my mate sent me an ad that she’d been targeted with for an even more toxic feckin app that literally allowed you to TOTALLY change your body- offering up more height, bigger boobies, six packs (🙄), less fat and a ~ridiculous~ “tan”. So I made another video, no not as a tutorial, but as a reminder for anyone who finds themselves falling into the comparison trap on here that Instagram is NOT real. ANYONE could be using these apps. Please remember that! Influences are not declaring the changes theyre making to their bodies. Your mates are not gonna admit to tucking their waists in. People are going to do as much as they think they can get away with. And that’s grim and shit and a bit shady. And it’s tempting to be angry with these people, particularly the ones with a platform, who are doing this. But I remind myself often that these women are victims too. That they feel the need to do this to their bodies says a lot about their mental health. And so rather than be angry with the individuals I try to be angry with the society that not only creates these apps but causes these women to feel the need to use them. And I control the only thing I can: MY feelings towards these apps and this warped idea of perfection. I remember that I am a whole and worthy human being as I am. That I’m enough as I am. And that I don’t need to look like one of those women on the side of the Waltzer and your local fair in order to be happy, loved or worthy ❤️🤪

A post shared by Emily Clarkson (@em_clarkson) on

Девушка уверена, что из-за фильтров можно получить психические травмы. Ведь со временем у людей начинаются сильные комплексы по поводу внешности, так-как они хотят выглядеть как в отредактированном снимке.

Просто помните, надо любить себя таким какой ты есть и самое главное не верить всему, что видите в сети, ведь в конце то концов идеальных людей не существует.








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Отредактированные снимки самых обычных девушек: кардинальное изменение внешности
Татьяна Михалкова и чёрный бантик: какой она была в молодости